Rome was not built in a day and it would equally take more than a lifetime to really know the eternal city and all the hidden gems in Rome. It’s the kind of place that creates an inner struggle; the desire to get off the beaten path and discover it’s heartbeat but see the required popular sights too. Rome’s wonderous attractions draw over 10 million visitors a year. (Can you imagine all those selfie sticks?!)
Obviously, there are sound reasons why people turn up in droves to see Rome’s Colosseum, the Trevi Fountain, and Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel – these sights are absolutely incredible. But the whole of Rome is an actual museum! And whilst these famous awesome structures and works of art are worthy spectacles, they can cast a shadowy veil upon slightly lesser wonders. Masterpieces and phenomenons are ten a penny in Rome, but in any other town they’d have a whole ticket booth, tour guide and gift shop of their own! And since most people are striving to cover just the main tourist attractions, and there are SO many, this leaves a whole other secret Rome that remains untouched.
So, once you’ve had your photo taken with a gladiator and thrown a coin in the Trevi Fountain, venture off the beaten track with us and check out some of our secret Rome hidden gems for a little more depth to your travels.
Incidentally, if you are only in Rome for one day and aren’t sure how to plan your visit, check out our One Day In Rome post which pinpoints all the main sights and best places to see in such a short time. Along with some of the suggestions from our hidden gems list you could really make your Rome trip a unique one.
Out Top 10 Secret Rome Hidden Gems
1. Europe’s Only Ancient Pyramid
WHERE? Via Raffaele Persichetti

In any other place outside of Egypt, an ancient pyramid would be celebrated and milked for the venerable cuneate that it is. You’d get prism-like biscuits with your espresso in the coffee shop and triangular screen-printed scarves would sell for €20 apiece. However, not in Rome. An insignificant little pyramid (about a third of the size of Egypt’s contributions to be exact) just gets left by the roadside. Literally.
And there is nothing hidden about this triple-edged secret Rome prism : Thousands of cars a day rush past this section of the old Aurelian city walls and barely give a nod to a piece of architecture that has been around 2,000 years and is, in fact, the only ancient pyramid in Europe!
So the story goes that Egyptomania had gripped Rome after its conquest of Egypt and it was at the request of a wealthy man, Gaius Cestius Epulo, that this tomb be built for his afterlife. However, with time these original details got lost amongst stories and fables and most locals started to believe that this was actually the tomb of Rome’s legendary founder Remus (the only other pyramid in Rome at the time was the proposed tomb of Romulus, Remus’ equally famous partner in crime, near Castel Sant Angelo, so you can see how the tale must have grown). It wasn’t until tunnel builders in the 1600s found inscriptions that the old truth resurfaced and the pyramid was restored. It really is a beauty and I find it quite remarkable that it was, for a long while, venerated as Remus’ tomb, but after the truth emerged about it’s owner, Rome kinda forgot it existed – Gaius Cestius who??
Tip – This is one of the most unusual places to visit in Rome and can be best captured on camera from inside the Protestant Cemetery next door (No. 2 on our Secret Rome list)
2. The Protestant Cemetery (Cimetero Acattolico)
WHERE? Via Caio Cestio

Right next door to the pyramid is Rome’s only non-Catholic cemetery, how about that – 2 hidden gems in Rome right nest to each other! But what is so special about this particular Rome secret?
First off, for all poetry fans, it is the final resting place for both Shelley and Keats. The day we visited, we arrived early morning and an ethereal light shone through the gaps in the trees and cast a romantic glow upon 4 volunteers cleaning a tombstone : a marble fellow from the 19th century lies on his side and rests his head upon his hand and enjoys the attention of the janitors like pilot fish preening a shark. This set the scene for what I would describe as the most beautiful cemetery I have ever visited. Partly because of the dappled sunlight through the trees and partly because of the beautifully sad sculptures that you encounter as you weave your way around the gravestones.
Shelley himself described the spot as so captivating ‘it might make one in love with death, to be buried in so sweet a place’. And, not another tourist in sight – a real Rome hidden treasure!
Tip – don’t miss the angel and the little boy (towards the back) and visit when the sun is low for the best photography light.
3. Church of Sant Andrea della Valle
WHERE? Piazza Vidoni

Rome is full of churches, almost a thousand in fact. So how do you decide which ones to visit?
Byzantine, Gothic, Baroque, what is your choice of style? Some may blow you away with their detailed mosaics (Basilica of Saint Clement) which started life as a 1st century pagan temple, others hold renaissance artworks by the greats, Michelangelo, Caravaggio and Raphael (Basilica di Sant Agostino) that are priceless yet almost ignored by the masses, real hidden treasures. But, Sant Andrea della Valle, a short walk from the Pantheon, nearly knocked me off my feet when I entered the porch.
The outside facade is so unassuming but the innards stand in bright contrast; gleaming gilded stonework borders rainbow frescos of epic proportions. This has to be one of the most beautiful places in Rome! Do you remember the Tango advert? That’s how I felt. Darn it, I’ve taken away the element of surprise for you. Nevertheless, I swear you will be nothing but impressed by this gleaming beauty.
Also, if you’re interested, the holy name (Tetragrammaton) of Yahweh can be seen in several places in Rome and this place is one of them : look out for a young boy beneath the huge domed ceiling with YHWH written in his turban.
Tip – Visit early evening when the golden hour light hit’s the gilt perfectly.
4. The Rooftop Bar At Martis Palace Hotel
WHERE? Via S. Giuseppe Calasanzio

Ready for a drink yet? Rooftop bars, or terraces, are always on our list of places to visit when we’re in a city, we want the best view with our cocktails and an opportunity to catch the sunset on our holidays. Rome is no exception but the search proved rather elusive.
Hotel Minerva, a few blocks away, was our first port of call, and the detailed art deco foyer certainly got me excited, but when we reached the rooftop and picked up the menu, €20 for a glass of their cheapest red wine had us running for the stairs again (obviously after snapping a few photos of the view).
However, 5 minutes later we stumbled across a little sign advertising 360-degree views of Rome and found ourselves sharing a terrace with a few cheeky seagulls watching the sunset behind the Vatican. The rooftop bar at Martis Palace Hotel is definitely one of thoses Rome secret places that seems to be undiscovered as of yet. A glass of Prosecco was €5, it came with a bowl of nuts and a mini mozzarella and tomato burger thrown in for good measure.
Definitely the best place to see the sunset in Rome and you’ll probably have these great views all to yourself!
Tip – there is no bar as such up there but there is a waiter hovering waiting to take your order, you don’t need to be a hotel resident.
5. The Best Gelato in Rome at Gelateria Giolitti
WHERE? Via degli Uffici del Vicario, 40
Surely every Signor and his dog claims to have the best ice cream in Rome? And how does one qualify? Perhaps the queue out of the door gives weight to its credentials. It may be off the beaten track a little, up in the back streets from the Trevi Fountain, but it does seem to be quite well known.
Maybe it’s 100 years of trading will do that for you! However, what makes it a gem for me is its traditionalism – the shopfitting is authentic and glamourous and your gelato is served to you by an old guy in a waistcoat. The flavours take your tastebuds on a journey and it’s not just a boring selection. My favourite is the beer and fig. There are plenty of great ice cream spots in Rome as I’m sure you’ll discover but this particular one comes with extra special suave and sophistication.
Tip – Pay for your ice cream first and obtain a ticket from the miserable girl on the till.
6. Eataly
WHERE? Piazzale 12 Ottobre 1492

Do you notice a theme here? Food and drink.
If you’ve never heard of Eataly before, think of the Harrods food market but on 4 floors and serenely executed. Apart from the few tourists in the know who are making a pitstop of edible gift-buying before they head off to the airport, the majority of the customers are casually oozing self-worth and confidence and buying their evening meal of beautifully packaged pasta and credibly sourced ingredients. Their kitchen bins spill over with wrappers so chic they’d make graphic designers weep.
But it’s not just a supermarket for stylish Italians, it’s a restaurant too. Several actually. So, near the fresh pasta department is a non-pretentious eating area where you can savour the fresh pasta. And by the deli counter is a cafe serving deli food. On the coffee floor you can take your espresso standing up with the best of them. Don’t even get me started on the dessert section – you will never have seen pastries so beautiful! So if you’re a bit of a foodie, make your way off the beaten track a bit and savour this chef’s paradise, one of our favourite hidden gems in Rome.
Tip – Park in the assigned car park. Vehicle break-ins are a real problem on the roads nearby. The car park is very secure. Alternatively, take the FL5 line to Ostiense.
7. The Aventine Keyhole
WHERE? Piazza dei Cavalieri di Malta

Nobody can say for sure whether this secret keyhole on Aventine Hill was a carefully contrived peephole or just a case of pure serendipity. Whatever the truth, how many places on this earth can you say you can see 3 countries from where you stand?
Standing in Italy, looking through Malta (the embassy of Malta is a sovereign entity) at St Peters Basilica in Vatican City is a quirky perspective. One you must queue for too, but not for long as this place still remains a relatively well-kept Rome secret.
Many try to capture the picture on camera but if you do find yourself waiting in line for the privilege, make sure you don’t waste all of your turn just trying to take the perfect shot – it is a sight that should be pondered without the distractions of aperture and shutter speed. The keyhole lines up with an avenue of trees drawing your eye straight over the brink of the hill to the gigantic dome of St Peter’s, it’s definitely a sight not to miss and worth the climb up Aventine hill – one of those slightly unusual places to visit in Rome.
TOP TIP; Nearby Giardino degli Aranci is a free park with epic views over the rooftops of Rome, perfect for an evening stroll as the late summer sun glows on this ancient city.
8. The Mouth Of Truth – Bocca Della Verita
WHERE? Piazza della Bocca della Verita

Whether you believe the tales of this first-century stone disc or not, this rocky human face is one of those hidden gems of Rome with quite a cult following. Audrey Hepburn fans might recognise the Bocca Della Verita from the classic film Italian Holiday.
It’s an ancient lie detector that supposedly works by placing your hand in the open mouth – if you’re found telling a porky, the mouth of truth will bite off your hand. Its origins are unknown but it’s a sight worth seeing, especially is you’re a movie buff and love a good movie location find!
9. Hidden Masterpieces By The Greats – For Free!

It’s no secret that the likes of Michelangelo and Caravaggio have moulded and painted this town into a living breathing work of art. Art is everywhere in Rome and you will find me salivating on any street corner.
However, I’m always so surprised by how many masterpieces and hidden gems just go left unattended in Rome – no museum to house them, free to see and seemingly unnoticed by tourists and locals alike. I have to reign in my art obsessions when we’re travelling because the rest of the clan don’t quite have my level of appreciation but I have compiled a list for you that even Mr MLLH acknowledges are worth a visit…
Places To Find MICHELANGELO In Rome
- The church of San Pietro in Vincoli – a sculpture of Moses in marble that was commissioned for the tomb of Pope Julius II.
- Palazzo Farnese – Michelangelo finished the top floor after Sangello’s death. An amazing display of bricks and architrave.
- The Risen Christ – Church of Santa Maria Sopra Minerva, to the left of the main altar.
Places To Find CARAVAGGIO In Rome
- The church of San Luigi Dei Francesi – A trio of paintings depicting the life of Saint Matthew.
- Madonna dei Pellegrini – the church of Sant’Agostino. Considered scandalous because Mary’s dirty feet, painted because of the real models that Caravaggio used.
- The Crucifixion of Saint Peter and The Conversion of Saint Paul on the Way to Damascus – Santa Maria del Popolo, Cerasi Chapel
Places To Find RAPHAEL In Rome
- Cappella Chigi – Santa Maria del Popolo – Just inside the west door around the arch of the Chigi Chapel. Finished about the same time as the Sistine Chapel and based on the painting style of Michelangelo.
- The Lone Prophet – the church of Sant Agostino.
10. Quartiere Coppedè

The first time we inadvertently wandered into Quartiere Coppedè, we both stopped and did a double-take. Had we been picked up by a time machine and dropped into some other wonderful city in another dimension whilst debating mint choc chip versus pistachio? It certainly felt like it.
I had marginally noticed the giant outdoor chandelier as we passed beneath the entrance archway and registered a faint ‘how peculiar’ reflection, but it was the contrasting architecture that stopped us in our tracks – we definitely weren’t in ancient Rome anymore.
You see, Quartiere Coppedè is a unique neighbourhood all on its own, and unexpected by its surroundings – you must see it to believe it! Mr Coppedè himself yielded a magical architectural wand upon 31,000 square meters of Rome back in the early twentieth century and what resulted was a fairytale mishmash of his wildest dreams. Art Nouveau meets Baroque, chews up a bit of Gothic and spits out something from Walt Disney, and when you’re all done looking at the buildings you may turn your attention to the frescos and fountain of the frogs in Piazza Mincio.
It’s no wonder this area has been used for a few movies and if you find yourself lusting after one of the 40 or so apartments or villas then it’s only a mere €10,000 per square metre – that may give you another clue as to how desirable this secret Rome neighbourhood is!
Tip – Quartiere Copedè is located between Piazza Buenos Aires and Via Tagliamento, easily reachable by Tram 19 & 3 or buses 92 & 38.
So, there you have it – our ten best hidden gems in Rome once you have taken in the usual spots and tourist attractions. Enjoy your tour and if you know of any hidden gems that I’ve missed off my list be sure to leave me a message below! Ciao for now!
For the best hotel deals in Rome, click here. Alternatively, if you’re after a really modern swanky apartment with the best view from your bed, kitchen table and balcony then look no further : I cannot recommend the Vatican Terrace Apartments enough – here’s the link and here’s a photo of the view to whet your appetite! – Vatican Terrace Apartments

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What an interesting and witty pin to find before we visit. We are staying in Rome for 4 nights in September. According to this post and the comments, 4 weeks or more are needed to cover this beautiful city! Thanks for all the great tips!
Oh yes. Or maybe 4 months! September is a perfect month to visit – enjoy!
Great tips! It’s true, most of us visit the top spots only in Rome and as a result, missing out secret spots like these in the city. Glad that you shared with us 🙂
This is fantastic! We spent 4 nights in Rome on our honeymoon and we just walked everywhere. We stumbled on some of these gems that way, and found some others. We had an amazing meal that was served on chipped crockery, the table wobbled and the wine came in water jugs. It was down an alleyway and we only went because we noticed the locals queuing for it it! Rome is my fave city and this has made me want to visit again!
I wish I knew where your restaurant was! I love Rome too, one day I’d like to live there for a year, really get to know it.
I love the Mouth of Truth! Audrey Hepburn sells it perfectly in Roman Holiday. What a great film. You should watch it. I also love the Aventine Keyhole. Such a great photo opp. hope to see you at Fly Away friday tomorrow!
I totally love that movie, her, him, the setting. Perfect.
Europe has a pyramid!? That is insane, I never would have guessed! Also, this photo on the left is just unbelievable – what a way to frame it! Thanks for joining Fly Away Friday – hope to see you again this week! xo
Great post. I know about half of them, so will have to check out the rest on a future trip to Rome. My favourite is the Aventine keyhole. It really is an incredible view… and feels like one is peeping at a secret world. ‘How many places on this earth can you say you can see 3 countries from where you stand?’ Ha ha, yes! Never thought of it like that 🙂
Fantastic list! I hadn’t heard of most of these! The pyramid is astounding. I had no idea. I’m looking forward to visiting Rome again one day and ticking all these off. Love the rooftop view and your suggestions on when best to visit. Thanks for linking #citytripping
I didn’t know that pyramid existed in Rome! But I suppose I understand why it’s not as well known, considering just how many ancient sites are in the city. What an interesting story about it though, it’s a bit of a shame that people are a little misinformed about it! #CityTripping
Rome has too many interesting stories though eh.
What a great post. Only visited one of these. Definitely need to get back to Rome to visit some of these #citytripping
Well at least you have an excuse now 😉
What a great post – I love Rome but only knew of one of these! I have to go check out that crazy pyramid now and also the Aventine Keyhole. Thanks for sharing! #FlyAwayFriday
It’s amazing what you can find!
I love Rome and i LOVE this post Alex – lots of amazing places I have not seen! I will definitely be consulting you next time we visit! Love that view through the Aventine keyhole!!!
That was number 1 on my list that I wanted to do last time, the keyhole, it’s such a cool concept!
From all of these, I have only visited the Boca de la Verita. I knew about the pyramid but have not visited. Rome is quite big and there are lots to see. I know it gets crazy crowded but there are still places you can have to your own. #FlyAwayFriday
It’s surprisingly big I find. I wonder if I’ll ever really know it well even after all our visits!
I adored Rome when I visited though never went to any of these places. I think a return visit is in order! 🙂 #flyawayfriday
There’s just so much to see! You’d need an eternity! 😉
We did a quick stop in Rome years ago and it definitely felt like we didn’t even scratch the surface. Based on your article I can see we really didn’t come close to seeing it all, hehe! I would most certainly love to visit these hidden gems one day. Thanks for sharing!
Well you will just have to visit again! 😉
Great and well-researched post, Alex. I knew of some places, some others will be for the next time when I get back to Rome again. I have to agree with you on that Giolitti gelato – despite its central location and lots of tourists, it’s as good as it gets! And Quartiere Coppede is such a hidden gem – we saw just a handful of tourists when we visited.
There’s just so much to explore isn’t there!